Ben Grimm

He’s Anthony Zerbe in License to Kill.

Promotion to Homeland Security Director.

I figured the only people who ate there were college kids and families with monster appetites.

Wait, Domino’s turned itself around? I completely stopped ordering from them ages ago, and figured the rebranding was a big hunk of bullshit.

It’s ironic coming from someone who didn’t actually work for any of his wealth, and inherited it from someone who also didn’t work for any of his wealth.

Is candy a euphemism in this case?

That particular kid may grow up with a dad in prison and much of the family wealth seaized, if there’s any justice in the world. I realize that there being any justice in the world is unlikely, though.

I guess soiling one’s own pants is one of those traits carried on the Y Chromosome.

A better example for the two of them is he takes half her candy and she takes half his candy. She would probably end up better off, in that scenario.

When I was a kid we went out as kids on our own after dark, but I grew up during that Stranger Things parental inattention era, so I tend to think our generation was the exception, not the rule.

Basically, the floodgates opened, and a bunch of (mainly) women realized that there’s a window now where they can finally talk about stuff that happened to them freely without it coming back at them, in all likelihood, because there are even more accusers than accused. If everybody who came forward now got retaliated

A disproportionate number of the hugely wealthy and successful are extreme narcissists, and some are sociopaths (it’s estimated that around 20% of CEOs are psychopaths). It’s hard to see boundaries when you won’t recognize other people as people.

Brett Ratner? That’s almost as surprising as Andy Dick.

Yeah, it looks like some Clydesdales should be towing it or something.

I suspect the only one of these I pick up will be Sharon Jones.

The show has gone full Silver Age this season and I’m loving every second of it.

It’s sort of weird to think that Matthew on Newsradio was him playing a more competent, successful, and idealized version of himself.


I’m not sure he really does, to be honest.

I’m not sure he really does, to be honest.