Or at least his career.
Or at least his career.
A garbage dump?
Wait, if that’s Santa’s corpse, whose did I just dig up and violate?
Billions of natural ones just lying around? Do you work in a giant, poorly organized neurology lab?
Finally, Dan Harmon can get all the alcohol he wants. Which is all of the alcohol.
The simulation hypothesis is based on an extrapolation that’s so beyond anything remotely related to what is known that it was always incredibly weak to begin with. The fundamental problem with it is that the number of simulations may be high, but the number of known simulations that can be mistaken for the universe…
“I really do not want any thing Zach Snyder considers “lighthearted”.”
Here’s a tip that might make it easier to understand things: the people in charge, whether it’s in charge of ESPN, Univision, the United States, or literally anything else, don’t necessarily know what they’re doing. The average organization is not any more intelligently run than the half-assed fantasy football league…
And Manimal cries a single tear.
I miss the AV Club.
If they’re not ejaculating onto a pizza before it’s served on someone then it’s not worse than I would have expected anyway.
I do think Pence is better, and it’s solely over the nuclear war thing. Pence is an awful human being and would make a historically bad president, but I don’t think he’d start a nuclear war, and that’s enough to mean he’s a step up.
“How could anyone defend him now”
You’re also an extremely unappealing screen presence?
Lucifer has been a recurring character on Supernatural for years. They even made a crack about him solving crimes in LA, once.
My first car, in high school, was a ‘74 T-Bird than got about 7 miles to the gallon, and, being the irresponsible (and broke) kid I was, I would play that game all the time. I once ran out of gas pulling into the gas station, and my little brother and I had to push it the last five feet. That’s about as close as is…
It’s one of the few movies I saw twice in theaters. Once with my dad, the second time on my own. At some point, I realized I had gone and seen an R-Rated movie without a parent or guardian when I was 15 or 16 and felt like I had gotten away with an extremely small transgression.
A Hugh Hefner biopic, directed by Brett Ratner, starring Jared Leto? Add a script by Akiva Goldsman and you’ve managed to make a movie that goes down in history as the least appealing movie pitch ever.
The American Century - the one that began in 1917, when US entry into WWI signaled its arrival as a Great (and later Super-) Power, is over. The election last year sealed it. It’s now a country in decline, like Britain after WWII, and it’s just going to have to adjust to being just another country.
It was a fun episode. This show continues to be considerably better than it has any right to be. I expected Castle 2.0 and we’re getting something closer to Angel 2.0.