They’re probably too soggy and limp to hurt.
They’re probably too soggy and limp to hurt.
Oh, I didn’t grow up hyper-religious. My dad was raised Southern Baptist and left in college. My mom was half-assedly Jewish. Both my parents go to a Unitarian church now, mainly to get away from the Baptists, since they still live in the South.
Because if they did, one of them would say “the camera is rigged” and no one would change their minds.
I’ve lived my whole life around Southern Baptists. I know of what you speak.
“Saddest neo-nazi loser” is up against some very stiff competition, too.
At least during the Obama years, it wasn’t in charge.
Stupid people who believe stupid things have a history of not giving up their stupid beliefs when they’ve been proven to be wrong. See: anti-vaxxers, creationists, kinja apologists, etc.
Stupidity is very hot right now.
Isaac what you did there.
You have to remember, the reason that “police shouldn’t kill black men”is so fractious is that there is a large contingent of The Guy Who Raped Ivana’s base who feel very strongly that police should kill black men and be celebrated for doing so.
And then some.
It wasn’t even sort of an adaptation of the Gunslinger, which was a bad choice - The Gunslinger could make for a tight, effective movie. This was just a mess. My reaction when I was it was that we got the equivalent of trying to cram all of the Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter into a 95-minute movie.
He’s grading on the “Akiva Goldsman” curve.
Personally, I’m shocked if it’s watchable.
It’s a CBS sitcom. It’s where comedy goes to die.
How’d your friend get in the owners’ box?
AICN’s advantage at the time was that it got some genuine scoops. People were wiling to put up with the unreadability (especially once we realized how useless Harry’s reviews were) for the scoops.
That sounds right, but it’s been so long I can’t say for sure.
Gumbercules beat you to it.
That was by far the best of the early sites; reliable and professional.