Ben Grimm

I had been on the fence about whether or not to sign up for NFL Red Zone this year or not, and this was the push I needed to go ahead and sign up for it.

Most people with micropenises don’t let it define them, and instead can go on to lead healthy, happy, and productive lives.

A micropenis.

Definitely right. MLA is on the TIF and is the one who pointed it out to me. It’s fake.

MLA technically has a Kinja account; she responded to me on it on the WOT article. It should be associated with her AVC account, though I don’t know for certain whether or not it is.

I put this in the WOT and got no official response, so I’ll put it here too.

They were all really Dean Martin’s kids.

I’m glad to see you’ve gotten over your beef with him.

He prefers to announce those after someone violates them.

When can we see the updated list, with all the cancellations, and notes for which ones he’ll get huffy about and wander off 20 minutes in?

I can verify that that’s the real MLA.

Just a note - someone is impersonating Mrs. Langdon Alger on Kinja - the fake account is mslangdonalger and is here:

The closest Amazon locker is 160 miles away from me, while the closest Kohls is about 3?

I like it. I never had it that often; I can’t recall my mother ever serving it, but I think my grandmother did a time or two. I’ve mainly had it at more observant friends’ houses as an adult. But my wife is absolutely horrified by it on a fundamental level.Getting her to try any fish has been difficult at times in the

If he really wants to do a solid for Fantastic Four fans, he should agree to direct it right before Fox loses the rights, then drop out too late to get replaced, letting the rights revert to Marvel.

As long as this doesn’t affect Bricktober. I want that set with the Bunny Suit Batman.

The tagline can be “There’s too many of you crying.”

I think that can work if the lanes are consistent, probably, but every multi-lane one I’ve ever seen forces you to change lanes at some point unless you’re immediately turning right and that creates an unacceptably high danger.

Single lane roundabouts are ok. Multi-lane ones are a dangerous nightmare.

I’m ok with Sigourney Weaver being immortal.