
Definitely the 26. Even when only cooking for a small group, that extra space gives you much better control over hot/warm zones, and room for large items like corncobs. The smaller Webers do direct grilling just fine, but this one gives you so much more flexibility.

Definitely the 26. Even when only cooking for a small group, that extra space gives you much better control over

Uh-oh, what did I miss?

That damned cube left me feeling like a bit of a failure for decades. I never bought one for my kids, hoping to spare them the silent taunting of that impossible puzzle.

Wow... well, I learned something new.  They still don't sound that appetizing, but who am I to judge?

Bad. I know someone who accidentally bit into one (it was on a chip or something), and she can attest that they taste horrible. I guess the “stink” name is justified.

If it’s not really for kids, then why was it written for an 8-year-old audience? Even my 10-year-old is sick of Kazuda, and the idiocy of pretty much every other character. He’s patiently “waiting for it to get good, like Rebels did”, but I’m not holding my breath.

The Flat Earthers going to have a field day with this one!

You’re probably right, and I should probably try Zicam again, given the evidence supporting it. But I also only average one or two bad colds a year without it (not counting the occasional mild and brief period of sneezes and sniffles). Just last week, my son brought home a cold, and as soon as I started sneezing, I

Oh, you’re not wrong, I’m sure, and the example of my ignorance proves nothing but my own ignorance. I probably wasn’t paying attention that day, or maybe, idiot teenager that I was, it just didn’t seem important at the time. And yes, I have heard about his bigotry since then.

You may be wrong, at least about the nuclear plants. IANANPE, but there are lots of failsafe systems built into these plants, and certainly multiple people on any given shift who can implement them, if needed. Having half of the operators vanish wouldn’t result in a meltdown.

Hoo boy. Them, and orthotics.

There seems to be conflicting evidence about zinc, but it’s great that it works for you. I didn’t notice such improvement the times I’d tried it, but then my sample size was small, and my recordkeeping non-existent. That, and I didn’t care for the aftertaste and mild queasiness from the pills.

Yeah, and I agree with you both - just meant to riff a bit off the age-old media back and forth of “it’s good for you / No, it’s bad for you”.

Good tips, thanks - always up for broadening my historical perspectives, and I know squat about Wilson.

Old school, respect

Matchbox, or gtfo

I’m on the fence about the Teal Album. Africa was a decent cover, faithfully reproducing what was good about the original, while kicking it up just enough to transform it from bland yacht-rock to fun retro. But I’m not sure that any of the other songs needed that treatment, certainly not Paranoid, or Billie Jean, or

Good article, and imo, totally appropriate for Jalopnik.