
Aww, he can't help his genetics. He looks like a baby polar bear

I do not support panda... color-ism! 🤨

A little black hair dye and a stencil will soon fix that!



This. Traveling should be like camping or hiking. Go enjoy it, but don’t leave any evidence you were there.

Also, when it comes to the “post-theatre, settling into permanent replay on cable movie stations” stage of a movie’s life, a PG-13 movie has a much broader potential sales pool AND needs less work to sanitize it for those sorts of stations that still bleep out “goddamn” before 11 pm.

I will never understand the “customer” mentality of “I spent money, therefore I can do what I want.” So drop trash wherever, sure. Deface something, sure. And so on.

A ton of puppies is still a ton of something.   But what a happy way to go. 

But standards and restrictions and such are BAD.

Ah, but which one?

Baby panda swarm.

It was bad enough when I learned I should give up cookie dough because of the e coli possibility but are we headed to a world where we have to think if pancakes get hot enough to eat safely? Sigh.

The only time I'd ever ask about one of my friends plans about getting pregnant would be if they announced their engagement to their questionable partner (as in "Is there anything else going on that might be hastening your decision?")...

Why are we limited at only giving one star ???!!!!

When someone asks me about my kids, I tell them I have two and their names are Disposable Income and Unlimited Free Time.

I’m the exact opposite. If the conversation comes up, I’m the girl who whispers in a serious voice.. “really think about what you’re doing..all your time, money and energy get sucked up by kids- if you want to travel, do it now”. I wonder if I’ve ever dissuaded someone from having kids with that line.. lol

Thank you so much for replying Wolf.

And it never ends, I am divorced with three kids and I still get asked when I am having the fourth one.