Had a kid. Named him a normal name. Still call him moron most of the time. I was a female Murray Goldberg before there was the Goldbergs.
Had a kid. Named him a normal name. Still call him moron most of the time. I was a female Murray Goldberg before there was the Goldbergs.
Right, you are describing an exchange of money for services, which aren’t supposed to be tax-deductible. But these donations are. If I buy a used van from The United Way, I am not supposed to deduct that as charitable giving because I got a van. Plus, these universities, even private ones, run on a ton of government…
My kid’s named MsPacManSaidHangoverDog. Tis true! Tis ART!
In your shoes, I’d just name them Un. Because an Un PunishedWolf can do anything they set their mind to.
If I have kids in like 10, 20 years I’ll name then like Daniel or Annie and they’ll be the most unique motherfuckers on the planet the way names are going.
Omg, THANK YOU for sharing!
Or even all the student, not only low-income, correct? Or everybody not low-income is guaranteed a spot?
Pol Pot Kettle Black
To reply to 2 of your posts:
I’ll help you. Count me in if you need a fake marriage and/or a fake adoption application.
I’d call her Adverb. There’s someone I despise who I refer to as Pronoun.
then they’ll say, “it’s her heart” (eye roll)
Let us not forget the Abcde airport incident.
About ten to fifteen years ago, there was a running joke in my family that I was going to name my kids Crash Bandicoot and Banjo Kazooie. I now know a kid named Banjo.
I follow this page on social media that collects ridiculous local news stories from the UK and there was a whole article about a couple who were upset that a Facebook mummy group (British “mommy” not the Egyptian corpse) making fun of their daughter’s name. Their daughter was named Disney.
This is beautiful. I laughed and I cried. I support this union!
My hair is so transparently blond that you pretty much can’t even see it from three feet away, be it on my head, back, nipple, or... elsewhere. The only exceptions are my mustache and beard which are about 50% ginger.
Single long hairs have always been a mystery to me. They seem to magically sprout overnight, fully-grown, from otherwise hairless body parts.