
I’m real curious how this “true”4K gaming (at 60 fps?) is going to turn out. I wonder if there will have to be sacrifices elsewhere to be able to render 4K at that frame rate. Getting a consistent frame rate above 30 at 4K is still very expensive to do on a PC gaming rig.

If it works for you, awesome.

Are we really that much of a minority though these days (PC gamers)? It seems like PC gaming has been making a resurgence in the past few years.

Some of the games look interesting, but I don’t see anything here that sells me on an Xbox One X. The vast majority of the “exclusives” I can play on my PC. All the other stuff I can play on my PS4. Thus, there is still no reason - at least for me - to purchase an Xbox One or Xbox One X.

Being in first has never felt so bad as in Mario Kart 8. It punishes you for racing well.

The game needs the ability to mark Private rooms as “role play only” and “casual”. That way, those of us who actually want to immerse ourselves further by acting out our role can do so without other ruining it for the whole crew. Likewise, those who just want to jump in for some fun and don’t want to worry about

The spinners are cool, but I have two knock off “twiddle cubes” or “fiddle cubes” or whatever and they’re fucking great.

The spinners are cool, but I have two knock off “twiddle cubes” or “fiddle cubes” or whatever and they’re fucking

I tend to use the Switch slightly more in handheld mode. To me, it feels like a slightly bigger PS Vita when playing it portable, and I’m a huge fan of the Vita. That being said, it isn’t the most comfortable playing experience while using it in handheld mode, but having the joycon docked on the standard joycon grip

I bought One Finger Death Punch after reading about it in this article.

Not saying it’s the motto for all Persona games. I was just saying that the major theme so far (and again, I’m only three in-game days into P5) seems to be “don’t cause trouble for other people”. I suspect that changes and/or becomes more nuanced as the game progresses.

Now granted, I’m only at 4/11 in game so far... but man, this seems to keep with the theme of Persona 5: “don’t cause trouble for other people”.

I love the game so far, love the series. But it is super annoying to get all those “video capture suspended” messages while playing when I am not even streaming or capturing video in any way.

I’m wishing for the same thing, friend. Portable Persona is the best.

As an avid Destiny player, I have mixed feeling about the character reset. On one hand, it’s nice to have a whole new loot and level treadmill to look forward to. On the other, MIDA. God damn, I’m going to miss my MIDA.

Watch Dogs 2 is the Assassin’s Creed 2 of the franchise. Builds and improves upon it’s predecessor in every way.

I haven’t started any of the Winter 2017 anime yet, but instead I have delved into Crunchyroll’s back catalog of “drama” and started watching Biyou Shounen Celebrity.

Those chairs were all over LA recording studios. Comfy, but not worth the $1000 a piece they were charging at the time. I remember going to pick up some “refurb” Aeron chairs for the studio one time and they were still around $800 a pop.

Nope. Still my biggest disappointment in gaming for 2016.

And you can emulate most Nintendo games on a PC pretty darn easily too.

And that’s totally fine. I get why it’s not for everybody. I just had to defend the good Doctor. You understand, right?