
Anyone else excited about the Ginger Rapture?

So which kid was the duck that kept walking in on Claire changing? :)

Just gonna say, completely called it:…
The writers totally ripped off my obvious and overused cliche idea about the 'meaning' of the ducks :O

Only laughed once, when they started singing 'happy birthday'. Other than that, completely dry and poorly contrived episode, like a poor version of the 'Las Vegas' episode. Would give it a C.

One of the weakest episodes. No storyline felt really completed or going anywhere that we haven't seen before. Especially Phil's story that i thought was maybe going towards some emotional catharsis, maybe about Alex being away (not even a mention of her the entire episode as far as i seen), but ended up really just

Am I the only one who was bothered by Julie and the TA guy saying 'good night' to each-other, when it was clearly daytime?

"I didn't wanna be here tonight. Here I am."

I always thought Swedberg was terrible on the show and i'm glad to find
out people agreed. However, I don't really buy this whole story. If she
was so bad to work with, why did they bring her back in season 7? She
had plenty of episodes in season 4, enough for them to realize how bad
she was, and she came back for an

The man coming out of the Elevator is Holt. Calling it now.

Did it flood?

Was Sting even in it?

Weird editing, Gloria was essentially in 2 stories at once: at home getting ready for the party with the paint, AND going to Hailey's work to fix things, each in completely different outfit. Almost like the Hailey/Gloria story was taken out of another episode and added in later.

Would you stop laughing? You're a father!

Anyone knows who that goth chick with Artie and Tina was? actress looks so familiar and imdb is no help.

"a roomful of pictures of Maude"

I think the bigger question is why Sue asks Will to resign when he doesn't even technically works there? Didn't Rachel just put him as an unofficial (and i assume unpaid) 'adviser'?

anyone else thought the brain teaser story will end with the discovery that even Holt's mentor didn't know the answer and was trying to get people to solve it for him as well?


The few moment Malory was in she sounded weird again. Maybe Jessica Walter is a bit under the weather?

Is that a 'baah' yes or a 'baah' no?