
And then they don't even have her steal anyone's soul with her sword. It could have just been a regular katana and it would have made no difference.

Not many women want to wear a brand of clothing designed to make them attractive to their fathers.

I thought Trump's slogan was "Forward, to get her!"

It really is the perfect platform for O'Reilly. Now he can do his show without having to wear pants.

You'd think they would know better after they already screwed up Phoenix in X3. Not to mention how Apocalypse made less money than DoFP and got much worse reviews.

I think New Mutants has the potential to be really good. It could be like a refined version of First Class. Plus, they could take some inspiration from Spider-Man: Homecoming.

I'm assuming the expressive eyes aren't just cosmetic. They probably have special lens that allow him to see better or detect other spectrums of light.

There's a portrait of Bannon somewhere that's getting younger and more handsome.

How can Alex Jones take care of his children when he's LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER?

Actually, Batgirl used to be around her late 20's or early 30's for a very long time. She had a PhD, ran the Gotham library, and even served in Congress. She actually retired as Batgirl.

Roxxon is the real villain secretly controlling everything in the MCU.

He's a pompous megalomaniacal wannabe dictator with a bad haircut who inherited all his wealth from his father. And he doesn't know who Kim Jong-un is?

Wouldn't it just be terrible if O'Reilly decided to fight back and got embroiled in a huge legal battle with Fox during which all sorts of scandalous secrets about the network are revealed, or leaked, leading to the downfall of the entire network? That would just be… awful. Wouldn't it? I for one really wish that the

Except Zod gained all his powers minutes after taking off his suit. He was as strong as Superman despite only being on earth for a few days.

If Superman can survive getting stabbed in the heart by Doomsday while he was weakened by Kryptonite, then how come Zod didn't survive getting his neck snapped?

Snyder had originally wanted to make an homage to the Donner Superman by having Superman fly around the earth so fast that it reverses the planet's rotation. The sudden acceleration snaps the necks of everyone in the world.

If they want to do a dark and gritty show set on Krypton then why not set it hundreds, or thousands, of years in the past and make it about the downfall of Kryptonian society.

It's funny because Jimmy Olsen had a cartoon tracking device that flashes and beeps audibly that he bought from the ACME store. But the bad guy who shot him wasn't using a cartoon bullet.

Fair and balanced, like your ass. Right, sweet cheeks?

An animated movie where the protagonist is a monkey and it's not completely based on Journey to the West?