This is a totally unfair comparison. Gul Dukat never dodged the draft and actually served in the military. He also has way more experience governing when he was the Prefect of the Occupation of Bajor.
This is a totally unfair comparison. Gul Dukat never dodged the draft and actually served in the military. He also has way more experience governing when he was the Prefect of the Occupation of Bajor.
Barron was very upset by that disgraceful comment, based on what his nanny told Trump in their monthly meeting.
They just need a new writer to organically shoehorn Batman into the movie, along with 12 different random pop songs, and to write the scenes terribly so they don't have waste the time and money to mess it up in editing.
Puppies are terrible, they pee everywhere, unlike Russian hookers, who pee on things you pay them to pee on.
No, there isn't.
National Park employees should spend more time protecting pic-a-nic baskets and keeping grizzlies away from schools rather than disobeying me and tweeting.
We really do have to leave Barron alone. There's already a very good chance he'll become a super villain, making fun of him will pretty much guarantee that will happen.
Shyamalan can never be forgive for what he did to Avatar: The Last Airbender. Never!
Well, Kellyanne is getting the last laugh since she pulled the biggest joke on America.
Trash cans do get peed on a lot.
It's an alternative deregulation.
Maybe he wrote a bunch of fourth wall breaking jokes about how the seals on earth can prevent a reality consuming entity like Dormammu from entering our universe when there are countless other planets in the universe it could go through.
Princess Leia should spend more time on fixing and helping her home planet Alderaan, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention a floating field of debris) rather than falsely complaining about the Death Star and the Emperor's dissolution of the Imperial Senate.
I love Crouching Tiger, Hidden Fences. It's about a group of black women who use mathematics to steal a magical sword sheathed in a baseball bat from Denzel Washington.
This is good. If Trump doesn't recognize that the date was moved forward, then American can just continually set its clocks forward by a day every day. That way, we'll get to January 2021 by 2019.
The AV Club unfairly purged that article to get rid of all my awesome comments that had hundreds of millions of upvotes. The biggest number of upvotes in upvoting history. PERIOD!
Didn't expect that Dominator cameo. It's good that they're going to use the Dominators again and tying Supergirl more to the rest of the DC shows.
Justice League assembles to battle Lex Luthor Gordon Godfrey.
It's a real shame that Chicago President deal fell through.
The type of alternative facts Kellyanne Conway uses are homeopathic. They've been diluted so many times that no molecule of the original substance remains.