
After she's shot by the Taliban, she fights for her life by entering a dream world where she's a sexy ninja battling Nazi dragons to recover a series of magical keys that causes her to enter a dream within a dream in which she has to escape from an asylum by getting the help of the other inmates to gather a series of

January, the month when studios dump the crappiest movies, especially the half assed sequels no one wanted.

How long do we have to wait for a sequel to America?

Except Batman started the whole fight by driving full speed towards one of their cars. Also, shooting second doesn't mean it's not murder. The fact that Batman doesn't submit to the law and allow the justice system decide isn't an excuse either.

And there's this thing called context. I was responding to someone claiming "this is why we lost the election." I was pointing out the hypocrisy of people who voted for Trump because of "political correctness" and liberals making controversies out of minor incidents when Trump does the same thing and over even less

Except for the fact that he attacked a truck carrying Luthor's kryptonite and killed the men who were protecting it. By that logic, if I tried to steal something from you and you attacked me, it would be self defense if I killed you.

Yeah, why are people so worked up over someone scratching their butt on a sacred rock, says the people who want to make burning flags punishable by jail time and loss of citizenship.

Yes, he clearly did. He clearly killed many of Luthor's thugs, by crashing into their car and then slamming it around with a grapple, by smashing through Luthor's truck, by blowing up several cars with people in them before the warehouse fight, throwing a grenade back at the thugs, and then shooting KGBeast's

Because this is the DCEU. Batman murdered way more people than Deadshot.

For a bunch of bad guys, they never really did anything bad. Well, except make a bad movie.

Here are all the letters your daughter wrote to you while you were in prison that I was carrying around on this dangerous mission for no reason.

SHIELD should really stop hiring people with the most easily snappable necks.

The teeth on Hamill were a bit too much but at least it wasn't grills.

We just have to tough it out until 2063 when Zephram Cochrane launches his warp ship and the Vulcans make first contact with us.

The album will be released under the Tone Def Jam Recordings label.

Baldwin? More like… Hair loss.

Yeah, but all the guys who join will have to wait 10 years before they can legally date the girls.

They still have KKK date.

Voyager and Enterprise were pretty gory eviscerations of Star Trek's corpse spread over a period of nine years, with another two years of more competent artists desperately trying to piece the corpse back together into something resembling its former shape.

Now watch as he makes America's future… disappear!