
“I don’t know why this recipe is so highly rated. I made it for my family of five on a crisp January evening after spending all day volunteering at my community book drive. Since we’re trying to eat healthy these days after my husband’s doctor recommended he lose some weight (and of course trying to make sure I raise

No no...

Oh man, don’t get me started.

For sure. If you actually have the need for such a thing then I can totally understand why someone would buy one. Having one you you can beat up on a bit because it doesn’t have acres of chrome and leather is the icing on the cake in my opinion.

Probably referenced a lot in crash reports and by insurance companies to avoid payouts 

Hmmm... I think I’ll write my local rep about that.

welcome back

As a clean rust free roller, its worth $2,500 all day long.

Cool.  So you get pilings without pounding them in...

Eh, I tried

Holstein/Friesian are dairy cattle. Big boned, and made to make a lot of milk, when it’s a cow. This guy is a steer, just cruising around with other steers. The other guys look like Dexters, who are tiny. And much better eating than Holsteins.

In the Southern Hemisphere you have to put the toppings below the dog because of the Coriolis Effect. That’s just science.

i don’t know if Wisconsin still does this, but when i moved away in 2004, there had been a couple years of fairly successful and widespread “earn a buck” hunting programs, where you were required to take a doe before being eligible for a buck tag. on the assumption that most hunters didn’t want that much meat, the DNR

It’s 100% the bookmark. That person ran out of candy and panicked.

- Used paperbacks (admittedly, given out by the school on school property, so at least it’s not too random)

Eeverybody "knows a guy" in Pennsylvania. 

I was once like you. My stick-my-hand-through-the-rusty-hole-in-the-frame S-10 had a good life. The 4.3 ran fine. I knew a guy who could give me an inspection sticker. I thought I had it all.

I’m just gonna post this here in anticipation of anyone who thinks that getting a flu shot isn’t important.

You’re missing out on some serious opportunities if you go the stance route.

5105 here. What a screamer!