
I grew up on raw milk. It was part of life living on a dairy farm. That being said, I wouldn’t drink raw milk from just any farm. We knew that our animals were clean and healthy, and they were regularly tested for somatic cells.

I wish they would. That would ride on the highway like a dream.


This is the best point made so far. Drop it down even lower, and put the catcher beam right at eye level for the truck drivers. Maybe then, they will get the point, or Darwin themselves.

COTD folks. Nothing more to see here.

So much this. Plus, in the parking lot with cars on either side, my asshole kids don’t open the door all the way and ding the car next to us. For 3+ kids, there is no other practical option.


Can verify. Right before the hot wrench comes out.

Keys in ignition, radio on, windows down. I don’t even turn my company car off, since it’s a hybrid, so it just sits there and turns itself off.

My calculator battery crapped out during a final exam (15 years ago), so I reached into my bag, grabbed my slide rule, and kept on trucking. The instructor got a look of terror on his face and asked me what I was doing. I explained that my calculator had crapped out, so I was using my slide rule to multiply and

Last summer, we treated the kids to strawberry milkshakes. The 5 year old was sitting in the 3rd row of our Sienna, and decided to poke a hole in the bottom of her cup, after only drinking half...

I don’t know. That one throws me off. Something is wrong in the front crossmember, and it throws the whole look off for me.

Yeah, some of the replies saying that GM should just pay people when they can’t work definitely make me scratch my head.

While it definitely sucks for all involved, it’s not like GM had a whole lot of options here...

This is Cocky Locky, our light Brahma. He was less than 6 months old in the top picture, with my 4 year old. In the bottom picture, he is standing on a 6" wide deck railing, and was only about 9 months old. He will grow a little bit more yet. He isn’t as big as the Brahma in the video, but based on the scale of the

Agreed that they’re not ‘ideal’ for beef, but there’s quite a lot of hamburger from Holstein cattle, and it’s just fine. And a cross-bred Holstein/Angus or Holstein/Hereford is mighty fine eating.

It is a Commonwealth thing:

Easy fix. Westinghouse pneumatic brakes for everything. They work, and who doesn’t love that whoosh sound when you push the button in?

10/10 would take her for a ride. And then maybe go somewhere in the car too.

As an engineer, you should know that it’s ‘shear’, not ‘sheer’.