
I don't really have a huge problem with Mattingly benching Puig for being late—although I think it works against his own best interests by throwing more chum to the columnists—I was just trying to point out how silly this column is.

—Peter King

America. Fuck yea.

So the lack of bass makes you incapable of listening to content? You may have a brain tumour!

Wait, so are we against throwing fastballs at a-rod? I mean, all suing and steroids aside, that's something we're still OK with, right?

And why didn't the ball make it to Crabtree? Oh, right.

Yes, this is the entire city of Seattle scrambling into damage control mode, lest the country find out that Richard Sherman just talks a lot of shit. PLEASE root for the Broncos.

Fact: photographers have ALWAYS been retouching and manipulating images since the invention of photography. Even the absolute best. You are clearly not the authority you think you are. Photography skills include both technical AND relational/emotional.

The fact that you're so dogmatic that you think ANY use of Photoshop, even mild, standard stuff, automatically earns one the label of "crap photographer" and, therefore, fair game, really tells me all I need to know.

Well, considering all you did was insult someone, you did not make the point you thought you were making. All you did was insult someone. Maybe in the future you should work on actually making the points you're trying to make instead of insulting people without any context.

Have I personally offended you? I've seen you on here before and know you're not a troll. Are you just a massive fucking asshole, or what is your deal? My point was that these aren't particularly edited shots and that they were fairly true to the original photos, so the bounty on the pictures did not serve any purpose

After spending 15 years as a photographer and countless hours in the darkroom, I am authorized to say you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. Dodge and burn, fool. Dodge and burn.

Usually when someone from Southern California has trouble buying something, they just ask Pete Carroll.

Just so everyone's up to date, I'm now also a Packers fan.

He actually made me love F1, and was a big part of my childhood.

Meanwhile its 75 and awesome here in Florida. Sure we have crazy people, but I've never had to drive with white stuff (what is that by the way?) all over the roads

One of the thing I remember the most from Doom, happened a few months after playing it all the time, with brothers and friends.

just the woman with the best smile ever.

A great number of people would disagree with you. And to this day, it is still THE greatest PC game of all time. Great pacing, story, atmosphere! Not one game in the past 5 years pales in comparison.