
I'm in Northern California( you know "Raider Country") so yeah there's that.

Man's game bitch!

As apposed to Seahawk's fans who all take it in the ass. OOOOOOOH!

This is great news for illegal sports betting!

2-0 Chiefs makes a man crazy

Wow that's a lot of trash talking for someone who's team has NEVER WON ANYTHING. Oh wait, you guys won the game tonight. YEAAAAAAAAAH. Did you get a trophy for that?

You know who the biggest assholes are? The guys that workout all the time and make sure everybody knows it. BFD

Not all that unusual for a NHL player.

Just one more reason to root against Old Sour Puss

In Russia kite flies you

I'll worry about this when I start driving the new Spyder.

And then they lost the game.....again

Wow, they really do have multiple uses.

He ain't done yet

Don't serve booze to women. Problem solved.

You know, he is failing so badly it is almost at the point where I can start pulling for him. But not yet.

I didn't read the article, but yeah L.A. is a shithole.


Maybe they should move Thorton to defense.

1 word...NorCal