
Love the one on Iron Maiden. Up the irons!

What ever happened to awesome metal tracks! Sonic, you sold out.

@lilalienpup: Clearly you don't follow soccer much. The joke you just made is so so so SO old. You would be cool if you said that 7 years ago. sigh @ soccer n00bz

Calgary anyone? eh?

@PN - goopplesoft: If you watch the video the guy pronounces it as dee-ter.

That's my birthday! Thank you Nintendo :)

Bulbasaur will always be the first Pokemon in Pokedex...

I think that post was a secret study conducted by Gizmodo to determine the nature of its readers and categorize them in order to have a firm grasp of who reads Gizmodo. I can imagine the categories:

@KiNGMONiR: bleh, I just realized a 100000000 other people have already said that.

I still hope they hold the conference the right way!

Gizmodo can dream about Apple invitations after leaking that wretched iPhone 4. sigh, did you have to?

It took Sony 4 years to learn a valuable lesson here:

I've seen better money printer ideas... Nice try Hulu!

More triangles/sec doesn't mean better graphics, right? It only means faster, or am I missing something here?

Why is the iPad in there again?

Why did friggin Dance Central win 3 categories?

Meh, I don't see cake yet.

how many people does it take to blow that thi...BBBBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz...