Maybe we could it something with a G in it...Goner, Gamer, Gawper...GAWKER that would be a GREAT name!
Maybe we could it something with a G in it...Goner, Gamer, Gawper...GAWKER that would be a GREAT name!
It’s so appropriate that the de facto leader of the so-called “anti-PC movement” is someone who absolutely cannot take a fucking joke.
I wonder if you felt so strongly about these issues when you wrote that hand-wringing essay about how hard it was for you to decide whether to vote.
100% true story: I belong to a Facebook group that is organizing a sister march in our city.
This may come as a surprise to you, but ALL magic tricks are fake.
yes, black people were doing so much better before the hippy hop came along
FYI you are being ridiculously patronising and dismissive when you suggest women who give blowjobs in a relationship are just forcing themselves to do it so their relationships don’t collapse. Kind of gross how you demand the whole world should have sex the same way you do or else they are either monsters or victims.
I think that saying porn has “ruined” men is a vast over-generalization. I am an older millenial who has generally dated men my age or a few years older (i.e, men who grew up with access to online porn as teenagers). I have yet to encounter any man who demands sex acts like choking or anal from the very first…
Okay but can we talk about the real furniture stars here, those enormous weird couches? I love and want them? They’re actually HIDEOUS but look so soft and comfortable.
Yeah. That’s called the financial markets recovering from the financial crisis. And Obama’s ability to tax high earners was obviously constrained by a Republican Congress. Idiot.
I come to this website for SPORTS only... what is the score of the game? That’s all I want to know...
We have the worst economy in decades with over 90 million Americans fallen out of unemployment statistics they’ve been out of work so long.
California has a lower proportion of homeless people than Massachusetts or New York. I’m not sure where you got “extreme” from. Maybe our homeless people are just...more homeless?
This is an awful opinion.
Gwyneth Paltrow is obviously ridiculous. Saying that white people don’t have culture is also ridiculous.
Look at you! You tuckered yourself out just by being wrong about everything.
You’re wrong. All I did was tell you the truth. You don’t like it? Who gives a grim shit? Here’s some friendly advice: you’ll sleep a lot better if you just admit you didn’t know what you were talking about and you made a bad comment. Just say it to yourself. Don’t even put it in a comment. You’ve wasted too much time…
Apparently, somebody still has not learned the difference between between predictions and projections or read past a headline on