
Then how will the hookers breathe??

I love this place. I’ve been here for years and I intend to be here no matter what happens. This whole thing just makes me ill. I feel legitimately nauseous.

No. I like Gawker. Anyway, it was nice knowing all of you!

The issues are two completely different things and people react to them on completely seperate grounds. If someone made an educational game with an anime art style based on the idea of teaching sexual education and learning about the female reproductive system, people would be a lot less likely to decry it as

Well, that’s anecdotal :P I like the taste the coffee (I drink mine black), but I understand it’s not for everyone. In regards to it being an “acquired taste,” there are different perspectives you can take. You’re not wrong that you shouldn’t have to suffer through something you dislike. The other side of the coin,

Settle down, Teddy Atlas

Regular deodorant, but they have to hide it somewhere so he can find it.

1 Small Secret Deodorant

Those would be pretty interesting games!

This is 100% a bullshit argument. I mean, it COULD be correct, but it is always used in the absolutely wrong reasons. Name a single instance in which the story is somehow hurt by a character being a woman instead of a man, etc.? The only thing that feels pandering is that there IS inclusion. What happened in this

Diversity is a good thing. Looking at every character and seeing if they should be female seems complete crazy to me. It’s rare that the gender matters at all in games (I mean storywise, not representation),so how do you have that conversation?

My father, who is a survivor and lost most of his family in Auschwitz, has been saying that for months. That the way Trump is phrasing it and the way some people are frothing at the mouth supporting it sounds eerily like Hitler’s rhetoric and what set Germany on the path to the Holocaust.

I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.

He’s right. The rhetoric Trump is using makes it sound like he wants to round up every person with even the touch of a foreign accent and put them in cattle cars.

There isn’t a team Bernie “type”. Shailene Woodley is as far away from me as possible- black, meat loving, thinks crystal magic is bullshit, openly feminist/womanist, can’t stand Shailene Woodley, etc- but I’m a Bernie Sanders supporter. It’s annoying as fuck when Hillary supporters just dismiss us, especially since I

So then the glass hardtop will be like this?

Oh, hey, cool, I could use some new shoes!” Clicks link

Oh, hey, cool, I could use some new shoes!” Clicks link

What Anna leaves out is that I already wrote a story that presumed the allegations were true. Last week, I wrote that expulsion would not have been a sufficient punishment for the UVA rapists:…