
Did you ever consider the fact that if you have even the slightest glancing interest in "funnel[ing] a few beers," you are a choad?

Oh, the "fake feminists" started it? Not the ex who enlisted a bunch of clowns to attack and vilify a woman based solely on the notion that she'd maybe slept with some guys and those guys may have written about her game? Those people jumped at the chance to excoriate Zoe Quinn and when they rightly got called on their

Are you saying that we need to drone bomb people for completing surveys in ways they think is funny or rude?

what exactly is the "feminist agenda"? To let women participate in the development process without being threatened with rape?

Thank you for proving every word Drew said.

I have to go now because I work for a living.

I never realized being from the Midwest was a race.

I KNOW! And it really sucks how I have no control of reading this website.

i was hit a lot as a kid. by my mom, who was just angry at my dad for never being home. i got hit so much that my neighbor called social services on us. it was after she heard me screaming while my mom was chasing me around with a wooden chair in her hands, steam blowing out of her nose.

Children who were "beaten" won World War II,

"Every once in a while, a spanking is necessary."

I'm sure your 3-year old appreciated your thoughtful and detailed explanation.

Corollary to this: a lot of the people that say "my parents beat me and I turned out great" are not such wonderful poster children for that theory as they seem to imagine.

Half the world thinks evolution is a myth. Many people can be very wrong.

Yeah and most of the world is full of stupid poor uneducated people, like you, who don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about.

You are a moron because (1) he clearly states that he has children and (2) committing assault and battery against a child should be no more up to the individual than committing assault and battery against an adult.

You clearly don't have kids.

I was spanked a few times as a child. Didn't do much good. My mother also kicked me in the ass once, but by then I was 12-ish, bigger than her, and being a HUGE asshole and I completely deserved it. I don't fault her for that one at all, despite the fact that still, more than twenty-five years later, she's horribly

I've started to notice the people that say "Don't tell me how to raise my kids!" are the exact people that need to be told how to raise their kids.