Not really. People don’t want to be disrespected or threatened or insulted anymore. So go back to Fox News, jerkoff.
Not really. People don’t want to be disrespected or threatened or insulted anymore. So go back to Fox News, jerkoff.
It was cracked, not fully closed. That makes it much easier to break than one supported on all sides.
I feel like Jennifer Lawrence is currently experiencing the same backlash that Anne Hathaway experienced. Like, I log on one day and suddenly everyone is so fucking sick of her and she’s so goddamn annoying but I don’t recall anything that would make people feel that way. I mean, she dated an older guy and they did a…
I must wholeheartedly ‘Ugh’ this. It is awfully self-satisfied and entitled to think you can swan around in a garment that makes you take up an enormous amount of room and jeopardize collections and also lead a lot of people to think you work for the space. I think she is just a fancy asshole.
the network’s compromise position was that only a white character who says “Really, nigga?” and “You know how niggas out here are” could use it
Two words, Glenn & dumpster
Because WWE’s production team almost always cuts at the point of impact to hide the fakery, as if we didn’t already know the combat is worked. Bixenspan wrote about this recently.
Probably because the director wanted to get a front shot of Rhonda after the fact, but the GIF cuts off before they pan up. It was a sloppy cut on WWE’s part. Should have waited until after he was fully down.
“On college campuses, The Communist Manifesto is one of the most frequently assigned texts.”
We’re not as lost a society as I thought we were if no one has taken the easiest way to get the answer, namely, grabbing Fenn or something he loves and getting the information in exchange. You’d think people risking their lives anyways would resort to that extreme.
Am I the only one whose stomach turns every time a guy uses the Crossface? I get it has been over 10 years and I probably shouldn’t be reacting that way anymore, but I just can’t help it
That was ba-yeah-yeah-yad.
If my 19-year-old self had come home with an unemployed 34-year-old father of 3, my parents definitely would’ve had something to say about it.
my main takeaway from this is that Maddy’s mom is swolllllll💪
Last time I said we need to find a way to stop a nut with a gun—and that’s all I said—I get an email saying, “I’m saving my last bullet to put it right between your eyes.” Just another responsible gun owner in America.
America has five percent of the world’s mass shootings, and yet 31 percent of the world’s mass shootings.
A piece of advice for anyone reading this article who also has a garage. Get a whiteboard. Buy one on craigslist for $10 or something.
“I hope she’s had a conversation with Aziz about how to stop being a predatory date, but is it really her place to be asked about this in public?”
I get what you’re saying, especially in regards to Nikki. One of the (numerous) reasons I will never run for office is my parent.
On the night of Sunday, Jan. 21, as the entirety of the sports world was consumed with football and the results of…