
THEY ARE NOT REOPENING THE INVESTIGATION! Stop with these misleading headlines and read Comey’s actual letter, a portion of which you posted here.

This is so petty and low of Naomi. Talk about punching down. When someone mentioned the name of Kendall Jenner, all she should have offered was a “Bish who?

*Stunned silence intensifies*

Now playing

Because there’s not much anyone can add in the way of commentary, here’s the song that was playing in the background:

There sure is. And you can bet he won’t be paying for her tuition anymore.

“’Freedom of speech!’ the man shouted back.”

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

I w0n’t blast Cole for being forced to say that about Greenberg, but I will give him enormous piles of shit for being as exciting as white bread dipped in skim milk.

You have to allow the person to seek treatment and return to their position again before you can terminate them for addiction.

Is it horrible and reprehensible that I immediately went to ‘false flag’ on this?

I’m only replying in the hopes that it helps to drive the conversation toward the top of the comment list. With a picture.

I understand your concerns but don’t forget that 99% of players have a sports agent representing them. It’s the agent’s responsibility to look after the best interests of the player. Furthermore, the higher contract $ that a player receives typically results in higher commissions for the agent.

Could be:

“Billy Long” sound like a fake name you use to check into a Vegas hotel with a hooker.

Jesus, that’s not even close to the point.

In case anybody needs it, I’ll just leave this here:

This is from that linked CNN article too: “Testifying at the hearing Friday, Camp offered this defense for his comments: “a non-existent” knowledge of Canadian criminal law.

I was hoping i would see this comment