“ripped corduroy jeans and flannel shirts”=/= punk
“ripped corduroy jeans and flannel shirts”=/= punk
Here’s a question: have five soldiers died in one day yet in his term? I mean, if he hasn’t called the families of the ones killed in Niger yet, who are these other ones..?
Thank you, yes!
Right?! 14 year old needs to learn some damn life skills.
The Vegas odds on Trump winning an IQ test against Tillerson are currently a million to one.
I would pay to watch 45 taking IQ test life and fail.
You know we’re fucked when Condoleeza Rice is warning about unnecessary, poorly-thought through wars.
“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests,” he told Forbes. “And I can tell you who is going to win.”
Holy shit! So all we have to do is collectively kneel across America and Trump and Pence will leave the country!?! Spread the word!
Is there anything snow-flakier than demanding that people whose work you enjoy because of their athletic merits also must believe lock step the same as you? Like they can’t have their own identity as humans? A different perspective? They bitch about safe spaces, but they’re basically demanding the whole world adhere…
Fuck Mike Pence.
“I left today’s Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem.”
So... You left a game that you (or someone else) already paid for you to attend, because you are offended someone else’s views (nevermind that you completely ignore the actual substance of what they express because it is inconvenient to your narrative). Ok bro, lol.
Mike Pence looks like a stick of deodorant someone taught to wince.
I refuse to convict this man without a trial
Whatever happened to their beloved States’ Rights? (It never applies to California. Just Dixie.)
WTF. White men killed a shitload of cops in 2016, but Black people are the problem for complaining about being constantly harassed, assaulted, and killed? OK, makes sense. These fucking sick assholes.
How does this nose whittling not disturb people? She also looks like she’s had fillers, which is weird, because she’s all of 20.
So between the people yelling ‘Kill black people!’ and those yelling ‘Please don’t kill black people!’, the FBI decides to monitor the latter. Remember just a short while ago when we thought the FBI was the only thing between us and a white supremacist president?
They will have fun with it, unfortunately. Because they don’t care about actual abortions. Hell, they recommend them to their mistresses to get rid of inconvenient bastards. They just want to see people suffer. Simple as that.