
Ivanka must really be putting out lately for Trump to change his mind like this.

It was the juggalos. They did this. Somehow.

That exchange is microcosm of what’s going on in this country. Trump getting elected has empowered any moron to feel like they can say what ever stupid shit is in their head, regardless of how offensive or plain idiotic it may be. Talk about cultural regression.

You’d think every New Yorker would be stoked about seeing the eclipse, because each of them would be watching from their perceived center of the universe.

“People in Kentucky took this stuff very seriously. Being a New Yorker douchebag mouthbreather, I don’t have any interest in watching the eclipse”

Nothing makes you more likable than acting like being from New York makes you unimpressed with everything .

Even if you could somehow remove the other context (like, for example, that Jamele Hill was absolutely correct), this is the White House press secretary openly calling for a private organization to fire a journalist for criticizing the President. That is fucking insane.

Also, this:

Today’s Code 45* is simply brimming with boyish enthusiasm and...what’s a nicer word for horniness?... ardour over the latest WH staffing decision. I’m sure most of you are aware that Hope Hicks was promoted to communications director today, and that he sees her as one of the few (if not the only) remaining people

Dr Oz is in the same level as GOOP.

Meanwhile in Plano, TX a lady and 7 others were allegedly murdered by the lady’s estranged husband. The husband was killed by police after engaging with a responding officer.

All on his first day in office too!

Isn’t Jared sorting out opioids?

A lot of older gays can’t stand these young’uns exactly for this reason. They act like they’re a drag queen because that’s what they see on TV and they’re fucking exhausting. And so, so loud. Everything has to be a performance.

“...because that is my job as a social media influencer” is hereby the precise utterance that concludes my participation on Earth.

It’s the internals of Uncle Rico’s bogus time machine, I think.

It would never had occurred to me to interrupt one of my father’s meetings, not even if it is was with my uncle. Never! A closed door meant important and confidencial business was taking place.

The fact that they even have to draft a “charter” for this...

Did he have to mention what kind of car?? Like we would believe he drives Pinto. Probably drugs.........