
I watched Scaramucci’s first press briefing earlier this afternoon. Dude come across like a used car salesman; he “loves” the President, the President is smart and athletic (lol), he trusts that the President’s statement about illegal votes is based in fact, and he rejects any idea that the President is doing poorly

Apparently Trump plans to pardon himself and his family members if necessary. It’s been running on the news here all morning and the general consensus is that US democracy, if previously considered shaken, is now utterly unstable.

I don’t know if everyone has already read about this, but the first lady of Japan is truly inspirational and my new hero:

This! He actually thinks he’s one of the smartest people on the planet, because he doesn’t have the intellect to gauge the intelligence of others. He literally cannot imagine smarter people because they would have to think thoughts he wouldn’t understand.

Of course Sessions isn’t going to resign.

He thinks all the thoughts, at once. Unfortunately, they are all the dumb thoughts.

I’d just like to see one high profile Republican Senator grow enough of a spine to say “This is fucking insane! An independent investigation needs to proceed, untainted by the White House. It is essential to the future of this country that all allegations currently known and those that may be uncovered be fully

Kamala Harris!!! Delivering the push for criminal justice reform *with bipartisan support*

So what’s everyone bitching about healthcare costs for? Hell, for $14/month, I’ll take two and still keep my iPhone!

He has a pension worth millions that the Goldman and Brown families can’t touch.

Today is Cornell’s birthday. Have to wonder if it was a trigger.

On what would have been Chris’ birthday.

In the end, it doesn’t even matter.

Six children. The poor family.

This is heartbreaking all around.

“Teenaged classical singer...”

This man works so hard to prove that he’s an interesting person, but there’s no there there.

As someone who grew up parroting her parents’ dumb conservative-ish viewpoints until college, I wouldn’t really blame the kids.

All these months later, I still remember Perravieja’s comment that Trump only asked Jackie to perform at his inauguration because she came in second in the popular vote, like he did, lol!

I miss the days when TLC was The Learning Channel and they had educational programming, not reality shows.