What do a call a liar who lies to protect a lying liar? No punchline, just asking a rhetorical question.
What do a call a liar who lies to protect a lying liar? No punchline, just asking a rhetorical question.
Remember kids; if you’re old, white, and Republican, your gross negligence and incompetence will be excused as on-the-job training.
Oh it will still have a penalty, it just won’t apply to Republicans.
So, the Republican play is ‘Nothing to see here. God, stop being such jerks...’
Perjury has no penalty any more. Sessions and the GOP killed it.
This further solidifies my belief that the Boomers all need to be removed from public life.
I don’t have TV, so I haven’t actually seen any of these players for a while. I have to ask, is this normal for McCain? He seems, um, odd.....
Capacity for empathy and cogent thought processes. Probably a tiny wiener too.
Let’s send him on a fact-finding mission to the sun! He can take Donny Boy with him too!
Mike Pence: first person on Mars! Sure, there’s no way to bring him back, but he’d no longer have to worry about being alone with a woman who isn’t Mother.
If one Senate Republican stood up and said he or she is sick of Trump’s lies, disinformation, stonewalling, and hiding his tax returns, and stood up to the GOP enablers (all of them essentially) that Senator would be a freaking hero to the country. We need one person who is not a Democrat to speak up about putting…
Trump is actually cutting funding to both of the things he’s going to Cleveland for. Nobody cares. Please clap.
I guarantee the biggest thing Trump is worried about regarding Comey is that his testimony will get bigger ratings than one of his speeches.
The mainstream media LOVES it when you use social media, you idiot.
We need to start conducting this witch hunt properly—we’ll throw Trump in a lake and, if he drowns, he’s innocent.
My guess is Trump will shutter the base and move it to somewhere more Russiany.
I love how he wants Qatar isolated for alleged ties to terrorism, yet is totally cool with Saudi Arabia, which definitely funds terrorism.