
Dolla Dolla bills!

“she’s very sensitive”

They butchered that SOOOOOO bad.

Images saved, stickers to be made.

Sure is a lot of “whoopsies” and “oh I forgots” involving fucking Russia! That fucking excuse didn’t even work on my Mom when I didn’t take out the trash as a kid. Keep grasping at straws you bunch of pricks.

Just put quotations around the tweet, then it could mean anything. Right, Don?


Voodoo is horrible!

Big whoop! What’s she going do about?

I’m an anti-assholiest, so let’s vote this mothefuckers OUT!!

Pepsi you finally did it, you figured out a way to suck more!

He was just following ol’ Rogers lead

Remember those assholes that said Dump would act more presidential once he was elected?

Daddy thinks they are the smartest! Shit he probably thinks Barron could run Apple cuz he’s good at those computer thingies.

Uh hey Donny, you’re the “bad dude”

This all day!! Someone close to me was sexually abused and still suffers, many many years later from the trauma. There was a lot of “religion” in the families and the problem I’m sure was going to be prayed away when really someone should have been in jail for a very long time.

“Well, look, do I want to? No. I’m leading by a lot — the Republicans. But they’re spending now $100 million on negative phony ads on Trump University which, by the way, has at 98 percent approval rating by the students that took the course — 98 percent. That’s why I won’t settle case. It would be easy for me to

“My administration, including the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services, will do everything in its power to protect women children, and men from sexual violence,” 

Would have been better if they drew their clothes on people actually having sex with MS Paint

I am as well. I hope he squeals, but he is a piece of shit.