
That’s nice but where’s the 2 door sexy box machine?

Oh, damn, I’m crying at work.

Do scrap dealers in the US have a reputation as honest, upstanding citizens dedicated to the preservation of items of cultural value even at the expense of lost income?

Fuck thieves. Second time today I’ve blurted out this most basic of basic Kinja’s. I just absolutely hate thieves...stealing from your fellow man, in any way, is just beyond not acceptable. Fuck thieves.

The only real issue I have with the zombies in the show, and the show in general is dehydration. How the hell are the zombies not dried out, imobile hunks of jerky? If we accept that they are not rotting at a normal rate, how are they staying hydrated? If you don’t accept that they don’t rot at a normal rate, why are

Is that sharp rake supposed to be a throwback of some sort?

I'm not sure what to what trend you are referring, but if it's the "too sloped to provide much utility" trend then I'm in full agreement. I have a hard time believing this provides much more room than a traditional trunk.

Purely on the looks I like the trend a lot actually.

It's like the Accord Tourer, only even cooler!

Hopefully those laser headlights are more accurate than this guy's gun

These are so kickass its almost as if someone took a photo and did a little shopping.