King Henry VIII

Hey... as long as there is a “DING” sound effect whenever I punch someone in the groin, I’m good.

They’ve weirdly turned into, for lack of a better term “sims” which is odd to do as wrestling is a scripted event, how do you “simulate” that? The 2k games though keep adding layers upon layers of systems that 1.) stiffens the action and 2.) makes it difficult for people to get into

The difference between loot boxes and CCGs is that you typically didn’t pay a $60 entry fee (or any entry fee at all) to gain the privilege to buy packs of cards. Oh, and buying cards is understood up-front as a requirement of the CCG format, whereas loot box systems often get dropped into games in ways that aren’t

He is an American tourists initials carved into an ancient sacred site in human form.

The women in these pictures make me sad.

Kinda conflicted about this one. On one hand, I agree stem cell research is necessary and the US does need to fund it more than we do now. On the other hand, stem cells will not cure autism because autism is not a fucking disease that can be cured.

Now playing

Track: E=MC2 | Artist: Big Audio Dynamite | Album: This Is Big Audio Dynamite

That trailer looks pretty sweet.

I love exploring the US in pilotwings 64 and thought it was amazing haha

My initial reaction as a PC-playing, 4K TV-owning asshole was “720p on TV!? OH, BOTHER! OH, POSH! MY WORD, THE SHEER UGLINESS OF IT ALL, I DO DECLARE!” And then, after sitting on it all day, I realized that was pretty silly. I’ve loved games at every step on the graphical chain from Pong to (your favorite modern

But this is a tablet running a AAA game from just this last year.

While I don’t ultimately know about the rest of the game, supposedly the demo that was is an identical version of Doom on any other platforms. Apparently the Switch version even goes through all the little hallways and rooms of each section without need any extra loading, which is a very pleasant surprise - I was

Happened in the UK so most likely driver was on the right hand side of the vehicle, away from the lamp post; still probably very banged up.

This is a bit on organizers, you should not be allowing people to drive like wankers at the exit, it is an accident wating to happen.

Get out.

... Said right after the announcement of DOOM and Wolfenstein II coming to Switch...

They should make this guy into an Amiibo:

But will they have Amiibo? Because I’d buy a Doom Slayer or classic Doom Guy Amiibo.

If everything “helps” them and “hurts” us (I don’t agree with that premise but I’m going with it for the sake of argument), then we don’t just throw our hands up and walk away. We look for what does the least amount of harm and greatest amount of support to us. That choice is playing whack-a-mole with their symbology,