Bahamas is a shithole filled with morons, what else is new?
Bahamas is a shithole filled with morons, what else is new?
Speed limit on these roads are about 90 mph, you bet your ass hes doing a lot more than a 100 mph.
ehh, nevermind!
Stephen Mitchell (of some jalopnik fame for owning a 250 GTO…) used to be a member of ASW (and so was i), where he used to participate in the car threads and once told a story about meeting this car and it's owner.
Searching for it i found a link to his blog and the story of when he…
Yeah, i don't get what they are whining about, in the states cars and gas is cheap, here in Sweden the Golf R starts at $51.335, get some options and the price goes through the roof, for a car built pretty much a 6 hr drive from the Swedish border it's ridiculous...
Edit: I fiddled around with it a bit and with the…
Yes you do! It's not a matter of might or if, every jalop needs to drive an F1 at least once in a lifetime! It's a completely bonkers!
There you go:…
They absolutely let you go for it, however they are slightly de-tuned for reliability and gives about 550-650 hp depending on what car you choose, but thats enough, trust me...
Yes they have, i'm 5'11 and i had no problem fitting!
I did it at Anderstorp and then at Hungaroring so you can choose between a few tracks!
Come to Sweden, drive jenson Buttons 2004 Bar Honda for 10 laps and a formula Renault for 15 laps at a mere $3000, i did it....twice.... and it's worth it!
156 hp? What? It lost 50 hp in 'murica?
Second car i ever owned was an UrQuattro, did an engine swap for the 20v one from an s2 and slightly tuned to about 400hp, fantastic daily driver which i regret selling to this day!
It's an odd looking bird, i don't care very much for the wheel base and the weight, not my kind of bike to say the least;-)
Ahh, interesting! I was a bit perplex when i saw it, it's hmm, funny looking!
There is one for sale;-)…
Hmm, although located in the states singer is founded and owned by a brit, is it not?
Actually he used to be a much nicer guy when he was still doing drugs, the arrogant prick thing came later...
DiCaprio however has always been a little asshole!
Visually beautiful is one thing, engineeringly beautiful an other;-)
I still love Hondas 6 cylinder 250 cc engine for the pure fucking bonkers engineering, to me that's beautiful;-)
And the sound it makes at 18.000 rpms.... is magic!