Well, the guy jumping out of the car before the bridge would be one i suppose, wonder if that hurt....
Well, the guy jumping out of the car before the bridge would be one i suppose, wonder if that hurt....
People in Europe look elsewhere for their sports car, not that the vette is bad but with taxes and stuff it's an expensive car over here, and most people buy European for that kind of money.
Haha, my guess would be: High!
Hard work, being a stuntman back then!
Trust me, i'm not biased for swedes behaving badly abroad, on the contrary, he should be ashamed. Just dont think suing someone over a bruise is necessary...
Oh, i understand it perfectly well, you're only arguments so far has been about my spelling in a language that's not native to me, to me and most other people that just shows what a complete tool you are, and that you obviously lack the ability to argue your opinion without insulting people.
Näh, you're geting it wrong, i did not intend to lump all of you together, then i would have said "only americans". I was talking about your judicial system, not americans as a whole:-)
Wow, you actually know your native tongue, should i be impressed? Are you this good in your second and third or maybe fourth languages too? No matter what, your still as ignorant as they come.
Yeah, i am sad and what saddens me the most is that you are to inbred to understand that your country was built by us "foreign pissants" and your ancestors most likely came from Europe.
What the fuck are you on about? You think of Europe as a banana republic? It's not us running around suing each other for bruises like a bunch of fucking wuzzies.
Thats the spirit, redneck much?
Indeed, there's a lot of shady people down there. But last i checked they weren't suing each other over bruises since european courts work a little differently...
Oh, i dont! Thats why i wrote "people like you" in my comment, people hate people like him;-)
We, do, but we dont "Lawyer up" to "cash in" over a bruise, thats what greedy despicable losers do!
Soo? In the rest of the world dont sue each other for a bruise, we get even or we go home. The level of asshatery behind all the lawsuits in America shames an otherwise fairly nice nation.
Only in America, this is why the rest of the world find people like you disgusting...
Having friends that had both the Rapide and the Panamera the consensus seem to be that the Rapide is the girl you shag but the Panamera is the girl you bring home tom meet your parents.