This is a problem why? Are u communists? There are so many people better deserving that car....yadayadayada!
This is a problem why? Are u communists? There are so many people better deserving that car....yadayadayada!
Ehh, a race prepped viper has got what to do with a vette exactly?
It's not all about speed, there's also feeling and build quality:)
I'm The douche? If i'm not misstanken you are The one that starten The namecalling....
It's a common opinion over here, just as with The cayman, even though it's a brilliant car it projects something Else...
Good for you;)
I have several cars, i even have me a good'ol american one too!
Buthurt much? Did i make you cry or something? You obviously took it personal, do you have posters of vettes in you room?
I take it you mean beer? Else, you need to turn that into a movie, cause that would be AWESOME. On an other note, I like brooklyn lager and Sam Adams :) had a LOT of Sam Adams while studying in Boston!
Plastic fantastic, dont matther how fast it gets, it's always going to be considered an american crap car for people who cant afford a real sportscar. If you want one, you buy european. Period!
Yes, that if anything was a very mild mannered rebellion, had he been american he'd brought an auotomatic rifle and killed everyone in The Office.....
Hmm, this game is the brainchild of a british traveling agency arranging trips to NK, although developed in NK, they (traveling agency)definitely got the attention they were seeking (u suckers fell for it), kudos to the PR people!
U serious? That Q was asked and answered back in 2006..... You only figured it out in 09, jeeez..
I actually drove the allroad 3.0 tdi this last weekend in lots of snow, handled brilliantly:-)
Looks like an old S6 c4, niiice!
Dunno, in one way it's an abomination, in an other its an finger (very large) up my very pretentious uncles stink, he rides around in his ghost thinking he's the effin king. Rest of the family just dont spend money on tacky... but if we did, this would be the perfect ride to park on his drive way for shits and giggles.
Redneck getting his testo-truck annihilated buy a soccer-mom euro car, thats got to hurt haha
If they build it, i'll buy it!
This: Cause awesome!
That would be funny, but he's a Nice guy and i doubt he would piss on a fan publicly....