
Don’t play Animal Crossing so for me the $30 additional charge to play retro games isn’t worth it. If had been $10 or even $15 would have done it but $30 is to much for a feature I barely even use now. Also I am tech savvy enough to be fully aware of RetroPi and other solutions that are available to me for essentially

Hey! Long time no see! I know you think this bothers me but it doesn’t. Three months later doing this (had to look at your screenshot date stamps). It amuses me that you go through this much trouble. Every time you have to find my comments, do a cut and paste, go find the pics on your special folder of “revenge”

And that value does not include donations, bits, sponsorships, youtube revenue and whatever else they have going on. So more likely his monthly income is 50 years of income for you.

Dollar amounts are insane for some of these people and its only from one (subs) of their usual half dozen or more revenue streams. So things like donations, bits, sponsorships, youtube, etc. are not included.

You can be both a pathological and a compulsive liar. Seems like article should note that. I am sure with no effort at all, can find someone, someone familiar to most of us, that engaged in both on a regular basis. His name escapes me right now.

I do not get the fascination with a woman’s whose literal job can best be described as “cock tease”. Nothing she has done, could do, or will do deserves this kind of response. She is pretty upfront about what she does - look sexy, pretend to show the goods and will never ever show the goods. Its built into the title

The pronoun thing. I get the desire to want it right but also get annoyed at the true anger shown every time used wrong.

Even if salaried, always do the math like you were in high school getting that hourly wage. (paycheck before taxes, etc) / (hours worked) = pay per hour.

I don’t know. The forced bundles, while good to the bottom line, likely did irreparable damage to Newegg’s reputation with hardcore fan base who are ones most likely to buy and find a use of those bundles. Even non hardcore fans have a negative opinion of the practice. Only thing that is saving the fallout from being

Pss...look into Authy, even might get another article out of it.

This might be the thing Activision needs to finally complete what they have been working towards for most of the 2010s - end the Blizzard division, and remove the name from the masthead. It would actually probably be a very effective PR move (it shouldn’t but people, especially virtue signalers, are dumb and they love

I get what devs doing but if think about it the only ones that would get the message are the ones that would play the game. Right wingers are not going to play this game and the few that accidently do are most definitely not going to get the message. See right wing die hard Star Trek and Star Wars fans (how be against

I am unclear how a Save File impacts competition in any way. The article compares it to modifying the game itself but its really not the same thing.

Now playing

Starlink early reviews, shows it already works pretty damn good

DirectTV with its outdated tech, shitty service, etc proves there is demand for such things and that is for just the US. Starlink is aiming for a global customer base. Considering how badly significant sections of the US is underserved for internet access with many states literally outlawing any attempts to compete at

Got to give him credit, he knows where his bread is buttered. If going to sell out a whole country, might as well do it for mega buck from a movie that he likely has back end points on (which can be worth millions to his bank account).

Yep. The real answer is “enough are stupid enough to pay $20 to keep it there.”

As Oliver pointed out, the problem isn’t the broadcast at the time. Its what is done with the broadcast after. Its used to make a product look legitimate even though its not. For example, I found the “new story” of the blanket on ABC4's website right after Oliver’s story. By 3am the site had pulled it. But if someone

Hire survivors”

What lives were in danger?  A roomful of vaccinated people are not in danger and CDC does allow them to get together.  I can go outside mask free right now.  Vaccinated can hang, those not vaccinated hopefully are working on that. As for those refusing to get vaccinated, they can go fuck themselves.