
Wait? You mean a high school game is cancelled before it begins because of gang violence? Someone should be shot because of this. I need my football.

I've actually read it multiple times over the past 24 hours and find your writing extremely compelling. I even discussed it with my girlfriend who I've turned into a boxing fan in this day and age. Your article brought back the flood of ideas I've thought about since I was a 10 year old, and also new ones that have

Well before John McCain became a shell of himself, he tried to lobby Congress to force a pension plan/insurance for boxers with the Ali Act. I wonder what happened to that?

Not to be old school, but this is the proper way for the finals to be played. It shouldn't be about convenience, it should be a challenge considering the pinnacle of the sport is on the line. At worse it should look like this: Game 1, Game 2, Travel Day, Rest Day, Game 3, Game 4, Travel Day, Rest Day, Game 5, Travel

That will never happen. Rappers, Athletes, and other well-known, highly visible Black people will continue to shop there and not have a problem. People will see it, want it, save/make/whatever enough money to buy it, and show up and get treated just like this. You won't see Al or Jesse stand up for it, because they

Challenge accepted......

"The fact they succeeded more years than not is in fact surprising to me."
What did they really succeed at? Making sure that if Notre Dame won 10 games, they would automatically make it into BCS, getting a huge windfall that other independents/mid-majors would not be afforded? Why? Notre Dame is just different than

"The fact they succeeded more years than not is in fact surprising to me."
What did they really succeed at? Making sure that if Notre Dame won 10 games, they would automatically make it into BCS, getting a huge windfall that other independents/mid-majors would not be afforded? Why? Notre Dame is just different than

How liquored up are you? I may have been that drunk before, but I don't remember and probably wasn't coherent enough to post even that of a short response on a website.

Great..... Excuses. Just what they needed. The national media to band behind Johnny after trashing him and then using him (of all players) as a front to support players being paid. As an Aggie, excuses from other people are just what this team needs. Right?

Here in the stands, I sat wondering if I could finish my quest of shutting down the all you can eat cart before the 7th inning. The last plate of nachos had left me feeling heartburn. I knew, at that point, I needed a reliever.

Man, I loved Kerry Kittles at Nova. Is he trading his stock for calling cards? Or did he spend it all on actual MCI stock?

It's just more telling of the betting culture in America. It's laughable with a lack of information, how many more skilled bettors there were back before the information age. Nowadays, the general public bets based on hype and non-sensical arguments spouted by 24 hour news cycles rather actual stats and team styles.

I'm from Houston, I've been a Texans fan since the beginning, and was an Oilers fan before. I remember when the original unveiling with the Reverend Horton Heat got cancelled because of the Columbia disaster. I remember sucking for the chance to get Vince and taking Mario instead. I remember Sagecopter. The Texans
