
no app2ext in this release? FAIL.. wtf..

very cool

@oddgit: Well then buy an iPad.. Here is your stylus

Thought I would share what's in my Gadget Bag..

Seattle meetup was super fun.. thanks everyone

No seattle meetup pics in the gallery? Giz? what's up?

@doomsjay: Here are directions.. IT's easy to find

@CandyBacon: Here are directions.. it's easy to find

the Giz front page still states use

Seattle meetup FTW!!

The drivers used in these speakers are made by: Hi-Vi which are very nice drivers. Just an FYI

can this be put on the marquee? this story is buried now and we aren't getting anymore folks signing up.

@The Squid: no, their shares are shrinking.. they are on the slow train to nowhere. how many bb's to you see in fortune 500 companies now.. Not half as many as a couple of years ago.. they are in deep trouble.. FACT.


ok, Seattle meetup is all set.. Thanks Giz!

Seattle Meetup here we come!

agreed, Hulu Plus is a rip off.. No thanks

@sweetelectro: yeah, HD 555 are MUCH MUCH better. HD 595 are my pick though.

hmm, Jury is out on this..