I honestly thought that the second skin looked similar to “Asura’s wrath”
A timeline has to exist in some form or another within this lore. With all of the things that BOTW mentions from previous games (outside of the DLC) maybe it breaks off into a separate time line all on its own. Correct me if im wrong but isnt this the first game during any time line where link actually lost a fight to…
it bothers me hysterically that i live in a world where people can be so ignorant that they would refuse the help of a qualified medical specialist simply because of the color of their skin. They are gonna stand their ground and say to the world “i would rather have my son lose his life right here in the emergency…
Jet Set Radio Future 3
Young Trunk and Goten achieved ssj fairly easy and their training appeard to be very minimal. Then again, because they are a 3rd gen sayian didnt that make it all the more easier for them to achieve? I recall Vegeta calling it “childs play” when Trunks did it in front of him for the first time, maybe the same case can…
So wait, Broly isnt canon at all? Although his first appeareance was in a movie it fits like a weird inbetween for the show itself. If my memory serves me correctly, his movie takes place just before the Cell games begin right?
A friend of mine on Facebook just brought something to me attention. As it stands a person with a pre-existing mental issue cant be treated but they quailify to become a gun owner, how is this making america great again?
So based on this article there was a legitimate reason why Stone Cold Steve Austin drank so much beer before and after this wrestling matches.
As another fellow man, i as well as my wife enjoy the feeling of my soft lips. I like the idea of the article but is there some way we can have instructions with ingredients best suited for men? i means sure, i could just get any other type of chap stick but with the lady being allergic to bees wax and i think my…
At what point will republicans admit that this coincidence is TOO coincidental?
I once had a stranger call my phone once (via butt dialing i assume due to muffled voicemail audio) but in the background i could hear what sounded like the stranger explaining to other people in the room with him how they have to “bag all of the product and sell it on the streets, NOW!” Was not about to return that…
What does this mean for our dooms day clock?
Wait, you can use this keyboard on a xbox one?
Wait, you can use this keyboard on a xbox one?
Would i be wrong at all to believe that at this point Trump is just bent on undoing any and everything good that Obama has attached his name too? This “presidency” is just showing me more and more that Trump has some deeply rooted issues with all of the achivements that Obama has managed to accomplish.
Ive witnessed many women coming to get their hair cut at a mans salon very often. No one working their seemed to care, for them it was just business as usual.
The way Devistator was taken out so easily just breaks my heart in so many ways. Like Michael Bay introduced a beloved transformer just so he could be destroyed in the blink of an eye.
This is always a tricky subject, for the time being my kid has mastered the simple platformer such as super Mario both new and old and he takes on Mario Kart naturally. Anything outside of those types of games he seems to get a bit too distracted, i think it has alot to do with the freedom to do ANYTHING, prime…
I personally enjoy eating avocado’s that are grilled, sprinkled with a bit of sea salt, lemon juice and soy sauce.