
So sad to see him go this way. He travelled all over the world, had lots of interesting cuisine, and hung out with rock stars. What’s not to envy? His shows made us appreciative of many cultures around the world. RIP.

Is Joe Strummer”s laugh on “(White Man) In Hammersmith Palais” supposed to be intentional? The lyrics suggest so, but I’ve always assumed that was a spontaneous thing.

Although not used in the movie, “The Dirty Jobs” is a great song too. “You men should remember how you used to fight”...

This really is a sad news. He. Is. Not. Appreciated.

If they were smart, they’d hire Peter David as a writer/consultant right away. Madrid only shone when David was the writer.

“I have to go now. my planet needs me” would suffice.

Philly, this Steve Bochoco legal drama that no one remembers, had a killer Big Country-esque opening credit music I believe was written by Mike Post: