Another reason yes, I agree !
Another reason yes, I agree !
That’s funny because this random thought in OP made me realize how Freud was bad at solutions :) “Reject your mother” (basically), instead of simply advising to consider she’s not every woman.
But validation is already there, as friendship ? So why feeling the absence of love like an absence of validation ?
Part of the problem is that you’re treating her affection like it’s a measure of your value as a person.
I’m genuinely wondering : did they go the Mass Effect : Andromeda route ? aka investing on a new team, expecting them to provide as much quality as the huge legacy behind within the same deadlines ?
(the numerous bugs mentionned is hinting at this)
Even as a man’s PoV : perfect bodies nowadays don’t give that much fantasy anymore imo (at least not as much as in the 00's).
yeah matchmaker has been going bonkers this season ...
“We do have a few tricks up our sleeves for next year that I think will be pretty cool,” he said. “When those moments happen, I think players will go, ‘Oh, I get what you’ve been doing now.’
Awesome cosplay. The only detail I miss is Ashe’s true OST : stoner rock.
I think this reaction is not solely tied to Diablo. Honestly, 2018 was a shit year for PC gamers. Except Cyberpunk 2077 announcement, consoles got all the big releases (GoW, Spiderman, RDR2) and announcements (E3), all of which were said to be absolutely not ported to PC.
I tried to theorycraft with only one word :p
yeah, that’s why it’s a good thing to expose these dramatic management methods right now, like Giz or Kotaku started to do. It’s helping everyone. I get that we, humans, are overcrowding the earth (and our economy), but it shouldn’t be an excuse to forget mutual respect.
Having ambition for 6 monthes has the same merit as having ambition for 1 year, you know ?
Development cycle review is a stepup from classical reviews imo. Gamers, or even consumers at large for any product, should be sensibilized to how a thing is built. It involves concepts, creative progression, and it also involves humans.
and Crunch (and the ethics revolving it) is the thing that really prevents me from being full-throated about getting into the industry
but I generally work about 2-6 hours of _paid_ overtime per week
Yeah I can’t remember it either ! Damn me, the game’s NPCs even mention it at least 3280928 times :(
Cecilia’s posts always fascinate me. Quality writer undoubtedly.
If Blizzard was a TV series : BfA happens to be the most criticized xpac by players in the shortest amount of time. Brack is the producer. Blizzard financial previsions alarming all investors as WoW is the main dollar feed. Mike tells Brack how it could be better, Brack dismisses and tells how he knows better, Mike…