
They were not put on for effect in my opinion, but to express how it doesn't have any importance in the imagination realm. How dreams, superheroes and childhood culture are boundless. The last paragraph is a wonderful conclusion to this :

This is exactly what Evan was meaning, if you read the article till the end.

Update : I'm stupid. The lengthy post I wrote above is exactly what Evan was meaning in the article's conclusion.

I can understand how Evan could want the comment section to stay on topic, though.

Evan, where are your feet ? :p

Nothing is taboo, and there's even a message in there :

First thing that came to my mind aswell.

That was golden, thanks Leo.

I wasn't able to change for another mouse model since I discovered Naga. Really. I'm using it not only for MMOs, but for other games aswell, and even for work (additional shortcuts are always better). Precision is perfect, hardware is rock solid (despite all I've read in these comments, never have any deficiency), and

Well y'know ... nerds ..

Now playing

Very nice, props to Laura. Although I feel it quite lacks the fluidity of the original, here the note attacks are too rough. Original notes were coming by and going away very fluently, calmly, but deeply. Which added to the ethereal mood overall.

Definitely going to change a lot of stuff.

Now playing

I highly recommend "Shinobi : Heart under Blade", to anyone who likes this kind of atmosphere. I didn't expect too much when seeing it, but it ended to be an amazing movie.

After reading this, William Gibson shines once again as the true visionary of the cyber / anticipation culture. The part about the importance of cities couldn't be more accurate.

Now playing

After playing Hitman : Absolution, I cannot succeed in finding anything better in other recent infiltration games. H:A nails it, there are tons of ways to get to a target, and the charisma of Agent 47 is way above Fisher (in Blacklist) or the next Assassin's Creed protagonist.

RIP Assassin's Creed, 2007-2009.

Same here about Nintendo. You can't feed me with the same chocolate for decades.

Japan, the only place where bad guys inspire some respect, without having to use a gun.