
most interesting reply so far :)

This is interesting to back it up with science, but in the end it is still super obvious :

You got a point :) There are indeed plenty of ways to get some "alimentary job".

So, decency and common sense is stupid ?

I can understand your reject, but it seems this girl was really putting a lot of importance in dignity over greed. And the fact that she ended being married AND a teacher (as she could have slipped in some other seduction related business) kind of consecrates this self-respect :)

With such comments, I'm really wondering who is the one joking here ...

That was an awesome article.

hint at reading skills : >> GROWING << real armed conflicts.

I don't feel such realism is welcome in this year of growing REAL armed conflicts ...

Wise words, wise words.

Seriously, are there still some people not getting the meaning of the word "Blog" ?

The answer is simple : as long as you're breaking the gameplay dialogue between two players, this is not good gamedesign.

That's awesome ! That's even more awesome when you know his situation :

Sharks trying to eat sharks. How cute.

Considering SWTOR was mostly outsourced (Ray Muzyka's words), this news is a very bad sign for Bioware lead devs/artists.


More like Ballet-time ?

Oh look, people bitching at the latest Bioware's move. How original.

All that counts is the ending, huh ?

She has an honorable speech (french in Paris here), but still, I fail to see where ecology can be the main axis of a whole national politic. She would be great as a prime minister, though.