
I hope the short-term ratings boost was worth it, Rachel =\

Quite frankly these pages - and the hype surrounding them, which was ultimately for naught - are just gonna add fuel to their narrative about the dishonest librul media, persecuting Trump while he did pay taxes etc etc etc. I understand why she couldn’t just sit on this info but I question the hype around something

In his back pocket?

Even though I loathe his films (except Dogma), I hope he can stay sober. I haven’t had a drink since Saturday when I downed an entire bottle of wine and passed out on the floor. Fuck.


Totally agree Obama shouldn’t have promised that. He had no way of knowing that. Even he has said that he shouldn’t have promised that.

Lest anyone ever suggest that Angelina Jolie is NOT obsessed with exoticizing herself, that tattoo is a pretty key supporting exhibit.

Do you believe everything your government tells you?

Oh shit, I’m so sorry to hear that. Hoping it’s nothing serious. Stay strong, hugs to you! <3

He is a grade a religious nut job and it bugs the crap out of me. It didnt bug me so much when he was hanging at Seattle Childrens Hospital. But when he posts creepy ass pregnancy pics of his wife with the caption “god is good” I am just like SHUUUUUUUUT THE FUCK UP

She also shills her company’s supplements at the end of the article. I hesitate to criticize anyone seeking help for depression and anxiety since I suffer too but saying “oh I just didn’t have enough B12!” is borderline junk science for the millions of people who do not have depression because of a vitamin deficiency.

I wish those Capital One commercials could be banned from the airwaves.

Those two between them easily have enough brainpower to dim a light bulb.

That’s being Minnesota nice.

As I lecture my students, at a university spitting distance to Wisconsin but safely well-funded in Minnesota, Wisconsin is to Minnesota as New Jersey is to New York: the smelly armpit next door with the (good) football team.

A lot of the privilege criticism about the strike seemed to be a race to be the wokest of them all.

A slow crawl to the bodega 1.5 blocks away for Gatorade and Velveeta Shells’n’Cheese is the extent of it for me! And defs sunglasses, oyy.

He seems insanely annoying, like being with him for an extended period of time would be exhausting.

She also seems to have really weird taste in men. I mean Ryan Reynolds? Wat?

All cosmetic commercials are a lie. Wrinkle cream? Botox. Mascara? False eyelashes. Volumizing hairspray? Extensions. Foundation (and also everything else)? Digital retouching.