Kindergarten Cop Oscar Winner

So, I’m a guy, so someone’s going to have to walk me through this. But if someone has their hand on me in an inappropriate manner, I’m not going to stand still to take a photo. And given how famous Swift is, why would she even stand there and let this goon do that to her? Was she worried about her public image at the

So Kournikova gained fame and collected millions of dollars in endorsement money because of her doubles rankings and doubles titles? Leander Paes has won 18 Grand Slam doubles and mixed doubles titles in his career. He must be pretty close to being a tennis legend, because he’s only one GS win shy of Roger Federer’s

Except that Kournikova was actually pretty good at tennis, at least for a period of time

Idiotic article but there is no questioning that a 70th ranked player would usually not get this sort of coverage. What I would have really loved was if she was American. Then we could see if a 70th ranked pretty white face got covered more than the dominant Serena Williams.

Fuck off, you piece of shit. You’re just a filthy fucking liar. We’re done here, fucking scumlord.

No, she did. On her Twitter feed, arguing with other feminists. This is the problem I have with her. You can’t call yourself a “feminist” and support the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, one of the most despotic states on earth, a brutal, gender-apartheid theocracy. No religion provides coverage for that.

You mean fascists hate socialists more than liberals? yes, that’s true.

Yeah, I read the article till it mentioned those tweets and I’m sorry but why the hell should she not be demonized? She is on a par with Milo and the other nasty little people out there.
Just because someone’s a muslim, it doesn’t make them a terrorist but it also doesn’t make them immune to genuine criticism. If

I doubt very much Bangladesh is murdering atheists because Dawkins hurt their feelings.

The rise of the atheist visibility movement is precisely because if we don’t speak up we get slandered merely for existing, and then said slander used as justification for more slander.

Linda is always bashing people who question Islam. Usually secular Muslims and those that have left the faith for numerous mistreatment issues. To be honest, Linda uses the “I’m a liberal” stance to silence the minority within the minority. Muslims in US are a minority and looked down upon, but within Muslim

Kaep got a job! Fuck yeah, glad someone in football came to their senses.

This. They went after Majiid Nawaz as well. hey literally called him an anti muslim bigot, despite the fact that he is still a practicing muslim and just want to reform it to a more liberal form. There’s a wonderful bit from his radio show on youtube where he takes a call from a muslim who is mad at him for saying

This website is highly critical of people on a consistent basis for one tweet, one post, or one statement. I can recall numerous articles, posts, etc., about individuals who would otherwise be “woke” deserving harsh criticism because of such tweets, posts, statements, etc.

There is a reason she’s demonized. Please don’t cry to me about the alt-right when you are willing to condone anything from the alt -left

In certain circles in NYC criticizing Zionism is equated with Anti-Semitism. PERIOD.

Linda Sarsour quote:

Hahahaha. This is such bullshit. There’s no part of Sarsour’s persona or logic that isn’t troublesome. I started writing out a whole thing, but no. She knows exactly what the anti-Semetic dog-whistles that she uses mean. She has no nuance and never responds to any legitimate criticism, instead claiming to be

The point I was making was that I highly doubt she would support a united Yugoslavia which did not consider the rights of ethnic groups to self determine. I am not arguing that she ought not to voice her criticisms of the Israeli government, I am arguing her antizionism is thinly veiled antisemitism. I am sorry if my

Uh, Linda Sarsour is most certainly not getting attacked by the Left — she seems to be one of the many pet hate targets common to both the Right and centrists/liberals, which is literally the point of this piece.

Wow. You don’t even hide her gross comments about other women and antizionism. Also, her antizionism is antisemitic considering she only has a problem with a Jewish state and not a Muslim state, nor is she calling for a United Yugoslavia last that I heard. When you believe that ethnic groups and religious groups (say,