
i like the new design, and i think its worth buying, but i know that as soon as i buy it, im gonna void the warranty, open it up, and replace the gray buttons with the colored ones(if still possible).

if i get this game, my car of choice will be the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Stirling Moss.... my real life dream car... and by dream car, i mean DREAM car... i know i will never own it, id be extremely lucky to even see a real one....

@ziffelbat: guess what i do when im on the toilet...

@DoubleK: what about if you break his neck after torturing him, so he doesn't have to spend the rest of his life with a colostomy bag?

@Bluecold: that doctor must post on another blog, or wants to forget about it as much as i do....

kinda looks like it was preprogrammed.... and if so. this doesnt seem very impressive to me, we had one of these in my computer class in like 7th grade... it was just a simple mechanical arm, but did the same thing, just didnt look as pretty

@Tuba1060: i thought it was great up until the ending, the ending was just a big WTF for me and havent bothered watching it again since

@LARPkitten: one downfall to this app is it doesnt turn on the gps, as this one does. so if u didnt have gps on when u lost or got ur phone stolen, it would be useless.

How many articles do you see that same title wording for?

@brandizzle: who needs a segway when u do cardio?

@Xodin: correct me if I'm wrong, but AMD doesn't branch at all like Intel, do they?

some gadgets can be legitimate heirlooms, but some cant.... the question is, where do you draw the line?

off topic, but i can see that you finally found a reason to use that picture...

what id like to know is why there hasnt been a cheap knockoff yet? the fans hardware doesnt seem justifiable with a $450 dollar price tag, so why hasnt it been made by someone else without the $300 'Dyson' name...

as bad as this seems to suck, how much do you want to bet that they find the trigger that trips the 'efuse' within a month and well be loading custom roms again...

funny that women lie about thier height, considering i kinda like shorter women, and my height, 6'2, or 6'4 for all you internet daters out there