
Oh wow I missed this, next time.

I’mnot sure if I’m more pissed that we blew the lead or that I couldn’t watch us blow the lead. Either way, I’m sick of being the better team and then playing down to the opponent’s level.

I hope they don’t muff any punts.

You’re... Welcome?

In defense of whomever is responsible for the marketing of this game, advertising a World War 2 game in Japan has to be tricky.

It took me significantly longer than I care to admit to figure out that this article is a goof.

Yeah, I know it’s such a small sliver of information about a game in an overcrowded genre, but I can’t help thinking it looks pretty neato.

My father wouldn’t even let me play foobaw, despite wanting to. He lettered 3 years as a linebacker, and he’s convinced the sport is too dangerous. He’s probably right, concussions feel awful.

Consider me thoroughly charmed.

Wow, to be honest I’d probably sue in that situation.

Agreed, I was in the Navy from ‘12 - ‘16 and never once did I hear another sailor refer to a ship as a she/her.

This article is basically a textual blowjob.

In STL’s defense, I think a locker-room cat would be dope.

Wow that game is really text heavy, you’re kid seems smart and cute.

This makes me sad, it’s like a good book that never gets read.

The commentating in the video makes it so much more exciting.

This guy should teach finance.

I don’t know if that should be a penalty, but the more health information I learn about football, the less fun stuff like that is to watch.

If I can suck it up and read these guys pick on the Panthers, then you can deal with this.

I dig it.