
So no answer?

What Idris Elba performance every blew you away?

Ayooooooo first your mom joke of the day! But now no one believes you because 14 year olds can’t drive :(

*Barfs self to death at this pathetic assholes superiority complex*

Ohhhh ok fame and fortune wise you’re average, but you eat bread and don’t go to church like all those friggin idiots out there so sure you’re a real genius.

Much more awed at the arrogance of the people who make that claim. Come on, do you really think you’re not included in that group of “average people?”

Thank god you’re here to enlighten all the unwashed masses! Does it strain your neck sucking your own cock with a brain that big?

You mean it’s lazy because you won’t buy it? lol

Oh please tell us what advanced utopia you come from that in no way is affected by religion...

Says someone with the time to read through them all.....

He’s right though, there are three Plumlees but no twins.

You people saying how awful this autopilot tech is are ridiculous. People die in car crashes every single day, in a few years this technology will be able to cut down auto accident deaths by HUGE amounts, and it won’t happen if people aren’t using it and fucking up with it today. “Hurr-durr candy crush ma manual won’t

Did the American people vote these people into their CEO positions? Why is that proof that Amerikkka is racist?

What would the world do without you?

Yea but how would you feel if she bought it with Union Dues?!

God what would we do without the James Bakers of the world to figure out how to “not make the world fall apart.”

Wait a minute, disregard, why he wouldn’t care about your preferences in comments on the articles you read is a travesty and should be a literal crime. Hope you’re ok!

Who’s more of a special snowflake, the guy making an even toned comment you don’t agree with or the dozen people telling him to fuck off because they didn’t agree with his even toned comment?

The people calling out this guy for being a snowflake are so, so, so much more “triggered” about his one comment its hilarious! You’re yelling at him to not comment on something he didn’t appreciate reading, why don’t you do the same for his comment?

Implying the writers of any ex-gawker site are “the grown ups” is the best piece of comedy every published on these garbage rags.