
Aaron can finally get back together with his boyfriend.

That dress annoys me as it looks unzipped.

Isn’t the original also “beautiful but ultimately empty”?

Oprah’s got a pretty terrible track record of people she’s foisted on the unsuspecting public: Chopra, Oz, Dr. Phil, among other bad choices — she gave Jenny McCarthy a platform. I’m not sure I trust her to pick good advisers that she’d listen to.

not engage the Dolezaltrolls

Yea I don’t know why Rich Juzwiak feels the need to be such a shit head about this. Talk about alternative facts

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

“Buy Ivanka’s stuuuuuuuuuuff”

Forget it, Sterling. It’s ODIN-town.

the Thimble is the best game piece, bitch.

Christ, he’s bad at this. He can’t even shake hands correctly.

Trump must be bummed that he can’t enjoy watersports in the White House.