
from the man who says reduced/free school lunches give students full stomachs but “empty souls”

question, from someone who hasn’t been in a relationship that has lasted longer than a year: i know it varies case by case, but 17 years into a relationship, when does one partner—or both—start to get the feeling that the end is nigh or inevitable? does anyone have personal experience or know of couples who do? was it

do me.

the gravitas of the russian scandal is giving me delirium. like, i suppose there has to be a long, thorough investigation, but the amount of people in trump’s circle who have had contact with russian oligarchs and figures close to putin and his mafia government during the campaign (WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU NEED TO BE

shameless ploy. SHAMELESS SHAMELESS SHAMELESS ughhh fuck her!

hmmm, i see directors and audience viewers are still convinced elle fanning is interesting...

seriously. Poot seems to have expert authority on the subject of radicalized terrorist cell operations. this kind of armchair/keyboard expert posturing is so dangerous, imo. it’s why you have the clueless leading the brainless.

YES! go grad with rainbow flag!

hmmm, movie about a galaxy far far away with lizard people and teddy bear people versus play about white academics in 1950s new england. not sure i see the validity of the comparison.

joanna how did the pat mcgrath dark star kit go?

not trying to be a troll or controversial or a maverick, but i think blade runner is okay, as in okay and not as great as the rhetoric surrounding it says it is. the world it imagines and the sets: amazing, imaginative. but i think the script is tepid and acting listless (i get it, everyone is an android). i find that

snow in may?

i haven’t seen the show, but that dick on the ipad and the jinn sex scene has me all wet and wanting.


so are people still trying to appeal to her as a sensible force of good to influence her father? i think at this point, as far as russian collusion is concerned and egregious conflict of interest, ivanka herself is in too deep and any criminal convictions would absolutely net her as well, barring some kind of plea


you seem like a combative twat.

why did you do this to me? i’m not quite ready yet to look at it for longer than a glance.

it is a moral imperative that everyone ignore this show and not watch it. our collective soul depends on everyone ignoring this object and allowing it to languish unto oblivion.

it really should be princess mononoke.