
he calls his wife “mother”


pulled pork parmesan casserole, garnished with orchid make it look nice.

kinda lyykee youurrr VA-GiNaahhhh

Season 9 trailer—shante, you stay.

snake measurement in meters? really?

she was robbed!

why should this bill be satirical? i’m for it

it’s just like the gypsy woman said!

exactly! all the anti-gay, smiting and downer content is in the old testament. these people are fucking clueless.

the real controversy here is that emma wackass stone won best actress and not the mesmerizing madame isabelle huppert.

what would any of you plebeians know? these aren’t made for you.

remember, 53% of white women for trump—the bitch.

oh god i really feel terrible about hating on hermione

she does way too much with her eyebrows. it’s as though she’s trying to make up for some missing emotional range in her voice and body language by pantomiming *CONFUSION* *HAPPINESS* *ENNUI* with those arches.

i agree with this. bill didn’t seem like he knew the history of milo’s gross stances and angle. that being said, milo gave him enough shitty material to completely demolish, yet bill didnt push back at all. thank god larry was there—he made most of the necessary points.

so this is the sound a tanked career makes. i wonder if there is a take-bascksies or half-take-backsies clause in his book deal with S&S...

the capacity for detail and nuance”

caliente presidente.

right. because the waves of hate crimes against muslims and synagogues in the US since trump’s election are caused by liberals, and not by people who voted for a president who installed a KNOWN WHITE SUPREMACIST—STEVE BANNON—IN THE WHITE HOUSE.