

Did not realize WHCD was not held during Nixon administration. WHCD should likewise be cancelled this year and for the duration of the Trump regime.

Precisely! If you have anything above an A cup and plan to do anything other than standing/sitting still, have fun having a boob pop out of one of these.

All of these exist with the sole purpose of being featured in instagram photoshoots.

I know a couple who met in America. She’s Colombian, he’s German. They both speak English fluently. They recently moved back to Germany and she’s in the process of learning German as well. What I’m trying to say is Nick Loeb is a lazy turd and asshole of a partner. I hope Sofia is having all the amazing sex with Joe.

I’mma go out on a limb here and interpret the “classless” as a dig at the Spanish language, which is considered by many prejudiced white people as ugly-sounding and inferior to English, as a metaphor that is an extension of what Hispanics are considered to be. He seems to be kind of asshole who would have that stance,

Do you think the tide is FINALLY turning and that after a few months of the Trump administration, people are sick of racist/sexist bullshit and FINALLY refusing to spend money on TV programs/movies that are sexist/racist, while movies/TV shows that promote women and diversity are finally becoming financially

I found a wedding invitation from the 20's in a book I bought from a thrift store once, I was so fucking excited. I can’t imagine the surprise and excitement of finding such amazing correspondence!

You can get antibiotics packaged as treatment for aquarium fish diseases.

Yes, I thought of antibiotics, and Tamiflu, but unless you have an MD in your family who’s sympathetic to your worries, how are you going to get them? If I mentioned that I wanted Zpacs and Tamiflu to my doc, she’d start asking me the cocked-head, gentle-voice questions about how I’m managing my anxiety lately.

She “sleeps well at night”. I don’t know that I would ever be able to sleep again.

And she sleeps “pretty good at night” with the knowledge that her daughter is dead.

She sleeps well because she’s a sociopath.

That picture in the article, of her smirking at the picture of her & the baby, just makes my blood boil.

I know. I’m making Florida sound way too appealing! :((

2X1 jalapeño mango-ritas?!? That deal is worth it even if you have to drink them in the same room as Casey Anthony.  

My wife got a single procedure that resulted in $524 bill from one hospital and a $468 bill from another part of the hospital (because that makes sense). I’m going to assume he meant the 256gb model. Otherwise I’m already in trouble.

The last medical statement I got was for $500 for one procedure. As long as I don’t need any other medical care for the next two years, his analogy totally works.

You can’t unplug my ventilator I never bought an iPhone!