
On this episode of *Something that would hang in an edgy coffee shop*


Trump winning will be the most liberating movement for POC in the last 50 years. Have faith, don’t buy into the medias blantant lies.

I heard crying and burning American flags really sticks it to the man though..

Nah it’s actually because Mcgregor doesn’t beat the shit out of women...

Lmao random person writes in a piece of shit car. *Trump must be HITLER!*

It’s about the fact we’re trending  into an unsustainable culture where the non contributors to society which in large portion are immigrants statistically, are benefiting from the contributors and it’s a scary trend line that will lead us to ultimately become Venezuela where the socialist culture has degraded society

As someone who has been a businessman and lived in NY his whole life, everything I’ve heard him say about the LGBT community is really positive and inclusive.

What has Trump ever said or done in his life to offend the LGBT community?

It’s almost like people who know they’re not racist and sexist were tired of being called racist and sexist because they didn’t 100% with the neo-liberal fairy tale point of view.

lol everyone pooling Trump supporters into old white men. Meanwhile you mindlessly vote Dem. every 4 years and still see minority communities delv deeper and deeper into poverty and our race relations crumble over the last 8 years. Go ahead and vote for the same party that keeps you down in filth because they know

Name one thing he’s ever said that’s racist

Would take balls of steel to read a fake letter from Belichick. I would almost respect him more.

Lol you guys are cute. I’ve watched every Browns game the last 15 years and they NEVER have a chance vs Pittsburg. I’ve seen Big Ben go down in the 1st quarter vs Cleveland and Pitts 2nd string QB put up 30. ANYONE beats them. They’ll beat SD in Cle and maybe Baltimore on Thursdsy to make sure they don’t get the 1st

Show some respect for Bernie Kosar please

I’m sorry I understand rugby is a tough sport but you can’t compare NFL athletes, the speed of each play, or style to rugby players. It’s not even close. Football is a game of inches where you need to give 0 ground on defense because you’re holding 10 yard clips. You put your head in the opponents chest because it

Yea sorry that’s American football and it is proper technique. The players know the risks and don’t particularly care because for a lot of them it was their only way out of a bad situation.

Arm tackles are “bad tackles” in the NFL because players are moving too fast and they’re too heavy to just be brought down with arms. There’s no way to make sure people never use their helmet unless you’re ok with a penalty every single play. People are going to get messed up playing football, they all understand that

The burnt skeletons at CNN will blame Trump after Hillary gets the eastern seaboard nuked.

Instead you’ll be appologizing in Aramaic of the refugee porking your wife.